Friday, June 17, 2011

Characters: They Do Not Always Cooperate

I haven't been updating as much on Morgana Tremaine for Dora Goss' YA Challenge, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been working. I hit a small stall before today, mostly because Morgana hasn't quite been "shining" the way that I want her to in the latest section. She isn't as competent as she was in her first case. That being said, I don't want to show a character who's always competent, never fail. The beauty of Morgana-- or at least, what I view as the beauty of Morgana-- is that she's flawed. She isn't good at school, she's horrible at magic; she makes mistakes. She covers it up with sass and quick wit, but she gets quiet sometimes, and that's okay. I also don't want a character who is cowed at the slightest mention of her failings, though, and therein lies the fact that MORE EDITING must occur.

I have to find balance on a tightrope, which is hard. It's difficult to write a twelve-year-old who is so different from the people around her, yet so much the same. Someone who isn't shaped the same, doesn't have the same abilities or the same family situation, who is more capable in less traditional areas. Because it's so hard, I find it infinitely more interesting than writing I've done previously, and I've done far more work on Morgana as a character than I've ever done on anyone. A disgusting amount of world-building-- yes, that I've done. But a character as complex as Morgana? No, never.

However, today, I had a beautiful breakthrough regarding how her latest case should be dealt with. I knew who did it (whodunit!) and how, but I didn't know how Morgana &. co. needed to figure it out. Now I do. I am pleased. Today has been a good day.

Novel is currently at 12,840 words. I'll probably write another 1000-2000 tonight to get close to finishing up Morgana's current case, and then I need to cut about 500+ words or so of a scene I've realized is irrelevant.

I just realized that I'm calling Morgana "Morgana," and that she would kill me (if she lived) for referring to her by her full name.

I love my pain in the neck novel, and I love my pain in the neck main character. :)

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