Saturday, May 28, 2011

YA Challenge

Normally, I post most writing news on my Livejournal. However, since I'm currently working on a Big Bang over on that, I decided that it would probably be better to pace myself and post this here.

Ever since Dora Goss, who I met at Alpha Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Workshop in 2009, posted her YA challenge, I had been toying with the idea. I'm currently working on a YA novel (alongside two other projects, gah), so it wouldn't exactly be out my way, and I would like to think that someone is paying attention to my YA aspirations, even if they aren't.

So, here goes: from June 1st to August 31st, I will be working on Morgana Tremaine, a fantastical detective story centering on twelve-year-old Goner Tremaine. Depending on how it all goes, I want to either write at least 1000 words per day or edit 3000 words per day-- I'm a quick editor, but I do it multiple times. My goal is to ideally get the novel-- novella, theoretically, at 30,000~ words-- finished and ready to send out by the end of the summer. My first step is editing what I have written currently to prepare myself for the work come June.

I plan to utilise progress bars. I love progress bars.

Monday, May 9, 2011


It is officially my final finals week at Ithaca College, and I am, obviously, trying to make time slow down by not doing any work. So, I managed to work on my 20-page paper today, but that French history final? No. No, I haven't. I've thought about it briefly, though. That's a start.

In the interest of keeping The End from coming, I wanted to put down some of the things that I will be enjoying if I ever get a job, which I am indeed trying to do:

Number 1: Pay my rent for the month of June.
Number 2: Be able to afford internet for the month of June.
Number 3: Get a new apartment, so that I don't end up on the street.
Number 4: Get a USB hub, preferably a Tardis one. I can't keep having to switch out my external hard drive, Marvin, and my web cam every single time I want to use one instead of the other.
Number 5: Awesome clothes, books, and music. And a new computer, since my desktop keeps blue-screening.

So, cheers. I'll check back in after finals, since I have some actual projects planned. I want to read a French novel, get started on my GRE studying, and do some more vidding. I've got my Youtube channel set up now so I'm good to go. I just need time to start my internet empire.