Monday, December 21, 2009
Pirate Octopus VS Ninja Kitty: Who Will Win?
I think that it's probably safe to put this here, since it's doubtful that Aaron ever looks at my blog.... I have put together the Most Awesome Gift Ever for Aaron for Giftmas, but the part that I had put the most work into were these fellows: Pirate Octopus vs Ninja Kitty.
Pirate Octopus is made out of Bijou Red Heart yarn, and although you can't see him, he is flamboyantly sparkly green and silver. He had his two swords sewn to his front two tentacles and an eyepatch over his eye. His mouth is sewn into a grimace, as is proper.
The Ninja Kitty is made out of cotton yarn, because ninjas are-- of course-- all-natural. The banes of his existence are his white paws, which detract from his stealthy ninja-ness. He comes with a small hoard of weapons: two shuriken and a pair of nunchuku. Beneath his ninja mask is the manic grin of pure Cheshire-style evil.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Thanskgiving Pics
Here are Thanksgiving food pictures! Which was awesome, by the way. Though I think I liked making it all more than Elizabeth did....

The cranberries as they were cooking. They were too pretty not to photograph.

The cranberry sauce once it was finished: whole-berry cranberry sauce with cranberries and a Granny Smith apple.

Buttermilk oatmeal bread with spinach and red pepper dip, the cranberry sauce, and stuffed mushrooms. All of the things that were my contribution to dinner.

The dinner rolls, roasted green beans, made from the Moosewood recipe, and spanakopita, also made from the Moosewood recipe.

Elizabeth, posing as she takes the first carving-- excuse me, cut-- of spanakopita. The flash was accidentally still on, so ignore the strange lighting.

Elizabeth, who requires no explanation.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Buttermilk Spice Cake w/ Cream Cheese Frosting
Now, provided that Elizabeth doesn't, for some mysterious reason, check this from work (unlikely), she and Aaron will have a pleasant surprise when they get back: two-layer buttermilk spice cake with cream cheese frosting that was mixed with a small amount of cinnamon sugar, recipe from the Moosewood Dessert Cookbook.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
I Haz Apartment
Lolspeak! Mwahaha. I have finally (after weeks of searching) managed to find a decent apartment that will let me have a small furry black creature that shall be unnamed (Mia). ^_^ It's very nice, actually, if I can manage to afford it! Ithaca is expensive. I'm now trying to arrange my schedule around all of the things that I have to do, which is kind of sucking and working all at once. Agh. My future apartment will be located somewhere within these buildings, provided there are no screwups with anything as they process my application.
Back to work! I have a novel to finish (and I kid you not).
P.S. Other news-- all A's. A- in Statistical Literacy. Professor was an unreachable jerk for the entire semester, publicly made fun of me, and had vague questions that even Elizabeth couldn't puzzle out. Nor the tutors at the college, or so said a classmate. Ick.
Back to work! I have a novel to finish (and I kid you not).
P.S. Other news-- all A's. A- in Statistical Literacy. Professor was an unreachable jerk for the entire semester, publicly made fun of me, and had vague questions that even Elizabeth couldn't puzzle out. Nor the tutors at the college, or so said a classmate. Ick.
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Okay, so I've now officially gotten into...
Marlboro College
Central Connecticut State University
Ithaca College
Elmira College
I did not get into Cornell, because the idiots lost my application and by the time I got them to admit that they had it, it was already too late! JERKS! Elmira doesn't much interest me and the financial aid package is worse than Marlboro's, so I'll be going to Ithaca! I am very excited. The campus is pretty, the classes are tiny and discussion-based, they have all the classes I want, and a very good reputation. Now as long as there are no problems...
Friday, April 24, 2009
So, My Summer's Booked

I got into the Alpha Writing Workshop in Pittsburgh PA, so I'll be going there at the middle to the end of July, the 15th-25th. The workshop is with Tamora Pierce (amongst others) and she's been my favorite author since I was about nine! At the end of the workshop, we'll be going to a sci fi and fantasy conference called Confluence, which is a really big and awesome one. Bringing me to my next news-- I also entered a story in a writing contest for the conference. I haven't heard back yet, but if that fits their bill, then I'll not only be attending the conference, but I'll also have a story in the program book!
So for the summer, I not only have that: I'll probably have some sort of orientation and registration at whatever college I end up going to (it's looking like Ithaca at the moment), I'll be visiting Becky (or I better be!), I'll be visiting Paul (for a weekend, maybe, if I ever actually ask), I'll be finishing a novel (because I need it before I go to any writing conferences) and et cetera. Goodbye, summer. I shall miss thee. *dies*
Friday, March 27, 2009
I just got into Ithaca College!!! I just need to get the letters of rejection or acceptance into Elmira and Cornell, then I'll be able to decide where to transfer to come Fall! Or rather, come May, since that's the due date for going or not. Ithaca will give me a $16,000 per year scholarship for academic excellence too, if I decide to go there, so AWESOME!!!!
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